Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I know it's been waaay too long....

...since we last blogged. Just that I like to sit at my sewing machine when the opportunity arises instead of the computer. Anyway, it might be our absence from the blogosphere has given rise to few rumours we've been hearing lately.

Let's set the record straight!
1. Patchworks is not closing.
2. No one here has had a nervous breakdown. (But a vacation would be nice!)

So, when we have that big inventory reduction sale in October (dates to be announced), it's not because we ain't gonna be here, it's to make room for all that fabric on order and all the new Quilt Market goodies we plan to get!

(And just as an aside, that sparkly dragonfly pin that adorned one of our sample handbags wasn't a freebie. So, if that person wouldn't mind, would you drop it off at the store? No questions asked, I'd just like it back.)